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3.0 3.0 Massive Application

3.0 Massive Application

We have written a brand new algorithm for eHygienics. It’s the third generation software for our platform. We included a robust regular expression engine that removes more fake emails, seeds and bots and added a memory intelligence technique to hopefully increase engine speed

We plan on releasing 3.0 fall of 2019.

3.0 will have a new front end with simple drag and drop features and a new back end with the latest operation system requirements.

We spent a lot of time and money on the back end creating learning technology that will border line artificial intelligence. We are so excited!

James Carner is the premier private investigator of spam advisories. He held sales and marketing positions for software and telephony giants such as Epicor Software and Lucent Technologies in the 90’s, and for the past 25 years, James has serviced publishers and affiliates with email assistance, dynamic offers, targeted data, effective landing pages, form page leads and since 2009, has been exclusively performing real time API email list hygiene for select customers with and

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