What eHygienics’ address validation API free offers businesses
What eHygienics’ address validation API free offers businesses
eHygienics’ address validation API free offers businesses in helping them to find and choose all sorts of bad email addresses in their system and flags them before it may cause a problem to their email sender status.
Our address validation service runs a multi-layer assessments algorithm which does multiple checking in order to determine if the email address is actually working and valid and if it accepts emails.
Our email address validation services implement a multi-layer verifying procedure. Our reliable email address validation tool usually tests each and every email that will go through all theses validation and verification steps:
- Syntax confirmation (IETF/RFC standard conformance)
- DNS validation this includes MX record lookup
- Detection of disposable email address
- Prevents Typo squatting by checking misspelled domain
- Checking SMTP availability and connection
- Temporary unavailability detection
- Verifying Mailbox existence
- Catch-All assessment
- Grey listing detection
We often do not send emails to the recipient’s email address during the course of the whole checking procedures.
You can easily also integrate our on the time email address validation API free into your CMS such as WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla, sign-up forms, and different applications and websites.
You may also simply send us a simple HTTP or HTTPs (SSL) requests to our servers and we at eHygienics will provide you in-depth code examples in Javascript, PHP, Java, C#, VB.NET. We assure that we will provide you with a result code and a thorough description.
As of now, we make things easy and effortless for you as we now provide a ready to use plug-ins for you to integrate WordPress, Drupal, jQuery and Node.js
Anyone can make use of our Online Email address validation API free. Just sign up on the link below for your free API key so that you may able to check up to 100 email addresses for free!
Contact us for consultation!