Tips to Spring Clean Your Email List
Spring is here and summer is around the corner. Your list is more important than ever because many will be on vacation this summer and email marketing will be traded for social media, which is just as dead during summer. This is the time to do validation and email list verification. Validate your emails from threats and verify them from bounces.
I have written many articles about removing bounces and why it’s so important to test your list for them. You may not think you are hitting bounces yet you are being blocked from major top level domains. You should always have a list cleaning services on hand to test your list every single month, but Spring is the most critical.
Why is Spring so important? Because it is when you must iron out all mistakes with creatives and clean your list before the world goes on vacation. During the summer, revenue falls and you cannot afford to make any mistakes. This is why you must do your email list cleaning now to avoid these summer challenges:
- Revenue is down during summer – always for email marketers
- Email marketers take vacations so get your list finished before
- There are 3.6 million teachers who are on vacation
- There are 25 million college students who are on vacation
- Summertime stress is a real thing and people tend to spend less during summer
- Daylight savings throws everyone off
- Kids are home and parents are juggling
- Affiliates set longer net payments like net 60 so you will be paid late
Summer time hurts the email marketing industry. Everything slows down and most are not smart enough to save up for the downtime. Spring email list cleaning is the best time of the year for us. Our revenues are always higher during the months of April through June. Get smart like all the others and make sure you clean your email list before the summer sneaks up on you. Make sure your traps, complainers and bounces are gone before you start making summer revenue.